Daisy, Misty, and Socko-My Cats and I

Basic Information On Socko

  Socko is a pale orange tabby cat with white and darker orange stripes and copper eyes.  He is seven weeks old and his birth date is about June 18, 2010.  This page should tell you all you want to know on this cat.  If not, then write an entry on the Contact page and give me your suggestion on what I should do to improve this page.

How We Met

  One day, we went to Paris, Tennessee and saw David and Susan's two kittens, Beau and Buddy.  The beautiful, extemely likable kittens convinced us into getting another one of our own!  So, about a week or two later, we did just that, we set out to Madisonville, Tennessee at the Animal Shelter.  There at the pound, we saw many cats and kittens we liked, but we compromised to get a pale orange tabby kitten, who was the smallest, and by far the youngest, and the one we have now completely fallen in love with.
Thank you Madisonville Animal Shelter.

Trivia On Socko

Fur Color: Pale Orange With Stripes That Come In Both White and Darker Orange
Eye Color: Blue, but Most Likely To Be Copper When Older (all kittens are born with blue eyes)
Skin Color: Pink
Nickname(s): Sock, Socky
Personality: Intellegent, Curious, Bold, Scampy, and Brave
Favorite Spot(s): Under the Coffee Table, Sleeping Hut, Chairs, Rugs, and Couches
Favorite Food: Undecided.  However, he does enjoy his kitten chow pretty well and LOVES Fancy Feast, however has not tried all the flavors 
Trick(s): Perfect forward roll, high jumping (often with front legs in front of him), tolerance to pain, fearlessness to objects that would seem fearful (such as much bigger cat hissing and growling only slightly startling him)
Hobby: Hunting Things Down, Exploring, Chewing on Things, and Checking Out, Cuddling, and Playing With People
Socko in a basket